January List

I like list blog entries. Here is a list:

* January is the best time to go wine tasting. The wineries are empty and the bored winery employees give you special treatment.

* I bought this fox print by Carson Ellis for my son’s room, but Kyle is worried it will encourage Gideon to smoke a pipe. So it’s going in my office, where it can’t be a bad influence.

* Related: Carson’s blog is pretty cool.

* I like reading people’s New Year’s resolutions. Many people resolved to write more in 2013, so they’re all updating their blogs.

* I believe in resolutions. I did all my 2012 resolutions, except one. Not to brag, or anything.

* One of my 2013 resolutions is to stop reading garbage on the Internet. Like Gawker media and other linkbait/gossip sites. So far it has not been hard.

* I also resolve to stop overusing exclamation marks on social media (not a problem in my work) and the phrase “a lot.”
* The movie Lincoln was so well written. The dialogue used the language of the time beautifully, and without fear of talking down to the audience.

* The playwright Tony Kushner wrote the screenplay. He’s best known for Angels In America. I like his work.

* (Side note: why isn’t it “playwrite”?)

* Marcia and I LiveTweeted the Seal song, in case you missed it. Read from the bottom up.