Article: Let the game begin

Last month, I spent time talking to video game developers in Marin County. I got to go to their offices, ask them about their games, and think about having fun a lot. It was, well… fun.

The resulting article is this week’s cover story in the Pacific Sun.

Here are the first few paragraphs to whet your appetite:

When it comes to video games, those who make them are similar to the die-hard fans who play them.

In both cases: mostly young men bending over glowing computer screens exploring every detail of the game.

They stay that way for days sometimes, not coming up for fresh air or food that hasn’t come via delivery driver. At last, they finish the game and emerge from their caves, blinking in the light of day. Almost immediately, they begin to think of the next game to tackle.

The difference, of course, is that the developer is struggling to meet a deadline to get the game into stores. The fan just has too much time on his hands.

Read the rest here.