Robert Louis Stevenson Writing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Wow, is all I can say to this passage about Robert Louis Stevenson Writing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:

Robert Louis Stevenson [churned] out Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in six days while under the pall of tuberculosis and the influence of cocaine in 1885. (It’s okay, he had a prescription.) Truth be told, the first draft was finished in three days. Stevenson wrote 10,000 words a day and wrapped up the story in the same time it takes the rest of us to unwind during Labor Day Weekend. His wife disapproved of the story and its monster, which came to Stevenson during a medically (ahem) influenced dream. She grabbed the manuscript and tossed it in the fireplace, so the author hand-wrote the entire book again from memory in another three days, bringing his word count up to 60,000 words in six days.

Read the rest at 7 Classic Authors Who Would Win NaNoWriMo.